Appointments and Visits


Monday to Friday: from 8:30am to 5pm (by appointment)

Appointments can be made by telephoning or calling in to the surgery. Due to heavy demand, please make appointments in advance if possible. Please let the receptionist know if you feel you may require a longer consult, or if it is a procedure. Where possible we encourage patients to consult their usual GP, but on occasions and in urgent cases we may require you to see another doctor within the practice; all who have access to your medical history and information.

After hours

For medical advice after hours or on weekends, please call

NURSE ON CALL on 1800 022 222

In an emergency go to the URGENT CARE CENTRE at the Maryborough Hospital or call (03) 5461 0313

Consultations in Urgent Care will not incur an out of pocket expense.

Missed Appointments

There may be a charge for missed appointments without adequate notification. Failure to attend three scheduled appointments will result in a missed appointment fee.

Please note: no further appointments will be made until the fee is paid.

Clarendon Medical Centre participates in a roster with other Maryborough doctors. Weekend clinics are run from the "on call" GP's rooms on Saturday (9:30am to 11:30am) when rostered. (Roster shared with Nightingale Clinic)